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Lindsay Rockwell is poet-in-residence for the Episcopal Church of Connecticut and hosts their Poetry and Social Justice Dialogue series. She has recently published, or forthcoming, in CALYX, EcoTheo Review, Gargoyle, Radar, The Dewdrop, among others. Her first collection, GHOST FIRES, was published by Main Street Rag, April 2023. She has received fellowships from Vermont Studio Center and Edith Wharton/The Mount residency. Lindsay is also an oncologist.
I Was Wrong
about which one was the one.
The one born from pewter.
Or gossamer.
How violin strings don't weep.
Because they do.
I was wrong
about the one who coats me
in daylight. Not a savior. No.
Not a daemon either.
I was wrong
apogee would yield a warp we'd ride—
how love is a nest of heft
& God is not a weapon. But
a chase of deer. A thundercloud
black. Not busting.
But kaboom.
Wrong that the heat of my fist
is not wired for flight. Because
it is. Wanton. A stray. Peeling
an arc through air
to reach a satisfactory violence.
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