Andrew Payton is a writer, learning designer, and climate advocate living in Harrisonburg, Virginia with his partner and children. His work is featured or forthcoming in New Ohio Review, The Chicago Tribune, Poet Lore, Alaska Quarterly Review, Rattle, and elsewhere, and won the James Hearst Poetry Prize from North American Review. He is a graduate of the MFA Program in Creative Writing and Environment at Iowa State University.
after Eduardo Corral
20 gallons of water & salt
in a mildewed tub—
patellofemoral pain,
blood in snot,
myopic, hypertensive—
I celebrate
this body
pluming out different lengths
of breath
like fire on wet log
like faithful river
in old country.
It will drown you
in your own lungs—
the IV slips from her veins
& I slip
to the floor.
Buckets of cold light
wake me
I celebrate this body:
more I beg
this body.
A delicious mango
roils my gut
& in fever dream
ceiling fan throbs
the steady drumbeat
of my underworld.
A screw tightens
between shoulder blades,
a vice
jaw’s threading
squeak by squeak.
I saw a foot
through disintegrated
cloth: bones broken,
warped, recovered.
Imagine the hobble,
the sway
of bundled load.
In this bed
of warbled breath,
we are one body
wrapped in a skin
of brick, surviving
on radio waves.