Sheila Black
Sheila Black is the author of five poetry collections, most recently Radium Dream from Salmon Poetry, Ireland. Poems and essays have appeared in PoetryPloughsharesThe NationThe New York Times, and elsewhere. She is a co-editor of Beauty is a Verb: The New Poetry of Disability. Honors include a 2012 Witter Bynner Fellowship from the Library of Congress for which she was selected by Philip Levine. She lives in San Antonio, TX and Tempe, AZ where she is assistant director of the Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing at Arizona State University (ASU).

​Aubade for Longing

There are still songs to be sung on the other 
side of the human.

Even as paradise turns to winter,
the whales

disappear with their soundings, absence stitches 
the caverns of sea.

Infinitesimal spaces in my brain grow and split—
sieve of shadowbox, saint’s relic,

plane tree, bread-and-butter. A car
careens a curve, a radio in a distant room,

a song about what stops.

And what are you but this flicker inside me
for which I invent fingers and

elbows, a head of hair,

flux of light in a city I have not visited
in years,


that bears our fleeting mark,
posters peeling and you, you, you,

a silence that swoops through,
arguing endlessly against the notion

of silence.

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