Ciaran Pierce is an undergraduate studying comparative world literature at California State University, Long Beach. He plans to pursue his MFA in creative writing. His work has appeared in Runestone, Sky Island Journal, Ponder Review, and Fever Dream Zine. Instagram @ciaranpierce.
Color Theory
The shell that you are
and are soon to be—
I’ll waste nothing of it
Give me your purpled toes and mottled skin,
your tufts of hair and soiled hospital gowns,
give me ID cards and pills in copper bottles,
your name, your leftovers, a slack jaw, the last
place your mother kissed you, your grime, a junk
drawer, a bible I won’t ever read, the scar where,
at age four, the dog’s incisors grazed tenderness
I’ll make something of them
Like when Monet sat beside his dying wife
and studied the hues of her skin for hours,
a barren canvas in each pupil
purples, yellows, whites—
what to do with them, where to plant them
Yes, he said, as if repainting
the world from scratch
I’ll use this arm for the shape
of windblown trees
and this collapsed tooth
for cave entrances
and this fingerprint
to design the maze
from which no living thing
will escape
Image by Rod Long from Unsplash