Eli V. Rahm
Eli V. Rahm is a queer writer from Virginia. Eli is the recipient of the 2023 Mary Roberts Rinehart Poetry Award and the 2020 Joseph A. Lohman III Award in Poetry. Their work is featured or forthcoming in Door is a JarPassages NorthThe Cortland Review, The Academy of American Poets, among others. They also have a cat named Bagel. You can find them at https://elisaurus.carrd.co/


is molten—you lie in the burn and watch as the sky falls apart. The
clouds have never looked more liquid—orange and gold. 

The grass is soft even as it erupts—at least you can no longer tell the 
difference between the earth and flesh. 

Your stomach bursts and a triceratops spills out. The ground red as
gore. Something dark catches your eye. A shifting bird glitters, 
metal. Heaven, now, oil. 

The rain pours and you become what is ash and dew. Would it hurt 
to say this grief is a kind of flight? You are born, burning. Wake and
it’s all white. 

This isn’t an Ice Age—it’s January and someone is calling you—

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Image by Ray Bilcliff from Pexels

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