Satya Dash
Satya Dash is a recipient of the Srinivas Rayaprol Poetry Prize and a finalist for the Broken River Prize. His poems appear in Ninth LetterDenver QuarterlyPoet LorePrairie SchoonerCincinnati Review, and Diagram, among others. Apart from having a degree in electronics from BITS Pilani-Goa, he has been a cricket commentator. He has been nominated previously for Pushcart, Nina Riggs Poetry Award, Orison Anthology and Best New Poets. He grew up in Cuttack and now lives in Bangalore, India. He tweets at: @satya043​

​Love Poem where anticipation is everything

Succulents cruise           on the edge                   of a spaceship
about to enter another                              riveting atmosphere

but it halts short                                   of running into a mural
on the giant wall                          of the city’s science museum

where lovers form a small                               but distinct part
of the Sunday population          here look at me

with a bouquet of red carnations            on the winding way
to the room in your house I find so majestic

because you live there
the museum detour did what it had to            slowing down

my heart’s impulse towards frantic beating
it is proven       red herrings                    soothe the amygdala

release hijacked energy                               of tense shoulders
prevent spondylitis            yes I eat a litany of fallen flowers

on the sidewalk whole                          petals canoe upstream
against the conniving bile                                    of acid reflux

in the house of hunger      rises the mercury of sea level fast
igniting minds                            of a bunch of second graders

who are memorizing the difference today
between rotation and revolution            for a short question

in Monday’s class test          I was there once          oblivious
to how attention teeters                        on the tattered edges

of floating memory                   at your door I slap my cheek
to stop thinking                                             about kissing you

I ring
the tantalizing doorbell

                                                                 I say a most ardent hello
                                                                                 to your father

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