Hannah Mae Miller
Hannah Mae Miller is a Wisconsin-based poet and shepherd. Her days are spent raising sheep and thinking about the perfect bike ride. Her work has previously appeared in Dirt Child. Find her on instagram @‌divine_ranch_ .

​Morning love poem

​Dreamt last night that all the
             chickens got loose 
from the garage and ran 
through suburban yards 
looking for feed.

We   tried   to   grab   them  but 
could  not  reach  and  we  laid 
down on green summer lawns 
to make snow angels.

Why the chickens were in the 
garage and why we need one 
another so fiercely, I do not 

I listen for the sound of your 
voice. The owls

Communicate                  across 
cottonwood  branches.  I’ll  be 
an owl for you, swiveling on a 
body tufted and soft.

Whatever     this    love     needs, 
surreal, imagined, intangible as 
it  may  be,  I’d like  to turn that 

I’d like to cross the long bridge 
to   your   home.   I   hear   you 
yelling    marco     and    I    am 
screaming         polo,         arms 

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