Rebecca Brock
Rebecca Brock’s work appears in The Threepenny Review, Literary MamaRiver Heron Review, Whale Road Review and elsewhere. She won The Comstock Review’s 2022 Muriel Craft Bailey Memorial Poetry Contest, judged by Ellen Bass, and the 2022 Kelsay Women’s Poetry Contest. Her first chapbook is Each Bearing Out (Kelsay Books 2022). She reads for SWWIM. Idaho born, she lives in Virginia, with her family. You can find more of her work at​

Geologic Unconformity

This mountain, this erosion
of a mountain—against my palm
the warm stone arcs
like a dollar store puzzle 
that fits, but barely holds—
I ask my son, What was it? 
It meant absence, it meant gap—
He sighs from the depths
of his new voice, recalls the park ranger 
from yesterday: Geologic Unconformity, Mom.
And I remember how it felt
like something I already knew—
that record of no record: 
an accounting of absence 
equal to years. Millions, 
more by millions than we 
have even been wandering here. 

This is the year I watch 
my son’s shoulders gain even height 
with mine. Silver strands of hair, 
among my brown recall
my grandfather, his auburn hair 
and how it turned white 
over the course of one night. 
How this is told as some measure 
of his immeasurable loss, his gap
between times: one night, 
a young enough man 
went to sleep, and when he woke 
he was old. 

I don’t know what happens 
to a person between one thing 
and the next, how it holds 
through bones—beneath skin, 
a striated measure 
of when and how the heart 
gives out or how it holds—
changes cadence, changes
shape—here: a grandfather and the boy 
he never met who carries his name, 
and a woman, suddenly me, 
letting go strands to glint
and tangle stone, or wind—
all of it telling 
how not one of us 
can stay.

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