Rebecca Kirschbaum is a Pittsburgh-based writer from Kentucky, with a deeply-rooted family history in Appalachia. Her fiction and nonfiction work about home, sometimes called genre-bending, is often categorized as Southern Gothic and features themes of disenfranchisement, oppression, inequality and outrage. She received a Write Well Award in 2016 and has been featured in journals such as Adelaide, Litro, Nasiona (among others) + on stage at Diversionary Theatre in LA + Gemini Ink Festival in San Antonio.
Kentucky Floodwater
You said Christ’s palms were nailed to a cross
with Heroin needles, but we all know Jesus ain’t dead.
I heard the Lord sayeth he wrote the addicts off
when all the other outside folks stopped watching.
Then came all the rain, but came no ark.
While we begged God to notice
he’d consumed our neighborhood
with floodwater that looked like gravy,
dogs licked owners’ muddy, open hands
while they cowered on rooftops
closer to Heaven than was ordinary
as everyone tried not to drown.
Lord, crucifixion is
a death like sinking
Addiction feels like drowning,
so we was already flooded, crowned
by opioid needles deemed newsworthy…
until forgotten, until too expensive.
Irrelevant, ain’t we
most days?
Just hardly human heirlooms
floating in floodwater.
Image by Rodrigo Souza from Pexels