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Daniel Edward Moore lives in Washington on Whidbey Island.His poems are forthcoming in Notre Dame Review, The Meadow, Southern Humanities Review, New Plains Review, Temenos Journal, Flint Hills Review, Plainsongs and Book of Matches. His book, Waxing the Dents, is from Brick Road Poetry Press.
Nothing tender about it
after Carl Phillips
making a home out of stranger’s hands,
surrendering to the consoling crawl
toward the hum of silicone light,
electric blue and battery powered,
aimed at the dark little pub in me
where nerve endings chat
about the coming invasion.
Since depth and desire
share an office downtown
where the phone just won’t stop ringing,
the sacred text of post-it notes
remind the gorgeous trembling parts
to love the way a Drill Sargent’s whistle
trains the lips to open and close
on a camouflaged attachment.
Should anything ever be that hidden,
and take the risk to violently blend
regardless of nothing breaking?