Jessica Hudson
​Image by Rondell Melling on Pixabay
Jessica Hudson is a graduate teaching assistant working on her Creative Writing MFA at Northern Michigan University. She is an associate editor for Passages North. Her work has been published in The PinchFractured Lit, and perhappened mag, among others. Read more at Twitter: @JessicaRWHudson    


                         if a vampire were to breathe
eternal thirst into me, I’d never see myself
in a mirror or in this moist sunlight again
                                    & between 
my killer cheekbones, like a red hammock 
slung between two petrified cherry trees, 
I’d carve a multi-purpose grin & I’d never
wear it out
                       & in my toolbox of teeth
I’d have symmetrical incisors white like 
the man in the moon when he’s full & canines 
sharp as stilettos, stepping across the necks 
of women like sand
                                     & I think I’d be
a little gay, but they say everyone is once 
they turn
                          & I’d never have 
a period again, though I’d add “menstruate” 
& “clitoris” to my vocabulary to frighten 
the burlier appetizers (the faster the blood, 
the more it lingers, like burgers)
                                                  & so
the years will torque down the centuries 
like the moon’s fraternal twin, far & dark,
reflecting nothing

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