West Trade Review Prize for Poetry
Contest opens January 15, 2025, and concludes at end of day on April 9, 2025. Each entry includes a copy of the Spring 2024 print edition.
Grand prize is $1000 and publication in the Spring 2026 print edition.
- This contest is open only to emerging writers only who have not yet published a book with a print run over 1,500.
- Only previously unpublished poems will be accepted.
- Poems that have won and/or placed in any other writing contest are ineligible.
- Unlimited entries allowed. Up to three poems per submission.
- Simultaneous submissions are allowed but work previously accepted or published in West Trade Review is ineligible.
- Please withdraw your submission and notify West Trade Review if it is accepted elsewhere.
- No one editorially or financially affiliated with West Trade Review can enter the contest.
- One submission per entry fee of $15 (up to three poems per submission). Entry fee includes a copy of our spring 2024 print edition.
- Poet may submit up to three poems. Author is allowed multiple entries.
- The author’s name must not appear on the manuscript or in the file name.
- Please submit up to three poem per entry in a single Microsoft Word file and list the title of each poem as the submission title in Submittable.
- Please use a standard font, either Times New Roman or Arial in 12-point font size.
- Must include a title for each poem.
- Please do not include professional resumes or biographies with your entry. Entries are judged anonymously; the judge will only consider poem quality.
- Revisions or edits will not be accepted once submitted for judging.
Entries that do not meet guidelines or eligibility requirements will not be considered.
$1000 and publication in West Trade Review will be awarded to the winning poem. Other entries of merit may be considered for publication. The winning poem will be announced on our website and social media platforms mid-April 2025 and then published in the 2026 spring print issue of West Trade Review.
Upload submission here:
To be considered for the prize, submissions must be uploaded to the proper folder titled,"West Trade Review Prize for Poetry ($15 Entry Fee, $1000 prize)."
Rick Barot was born in the Philippines and grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. His fourth book of poems, The Galleons, was published by Milkweed Editions and was longlisted for the National Book Award. His earlier collections include The Darker Fall, Want, which was a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award and won the 2009 Grub Street Book Prize, and Chord, all published by Sarabande Books. Chord received the UNT Rilke Prize, the PEN Open Book Award, and the Publishing Triangle’s Thom Gunn Award. His work has appeared in numerous publications, including Poetry, The New Republic, Tin House, The Kenyon Review, and The New Yorker. He has received fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and Stanford University. He lives in Tacoma, Washington and directs The Rainier Writing Workshop, the low-residency MFA program in creative writing at Pacific Lutheran University. His newest book of poems, Moving the Bones, was published by Milkweed Editions in 2024.