PostScript Interview Series
“I think about lineage a lot, and so it is kind of a stigma to say ‘gay sex poet,’ … but when I put it on the back of [my new] book I was thinking about what detractors might say..”
“Poetry is the weirdest world at times. I have this old, maybe one of the oldest, childhood memories, and I must have been probably less than four years old, and I had got a splinter, and I remember my mother tenderly pulled it out. That moment has always stuck with me, and I'm not sure why, and I just finally had to write this poem to figure out why, and I think it was the first time I realized my own mortality in some ways.”
Blanco's poems “The Splintering,” "between [another door]," and "Complaint of El Rio Grande" appears in the Spring 2024 print edition.
“I used to just be a person who wrote and just said this is great let’s send it out, and I was challenged by a few people that said these poems just aren’t finished.”
“There was this periodic moan of anguish that would wash across the café, and I think that was the genesis of the idea of the collection.”
Gowdy's CNF piece “Sedmimentary” appears in the Summer 2023 collection of Online Exclusives
Robert Wood Lynn is a writer from Virginia. His debut poetry collection Mothman Apologia (Yale University Press) was named a Best Book of 2022 by the New York Times and the New York Public Library. His chapbook How to Maintain Eye Contact was published by Button Poetry in 2023.
Lynn's poems "In the Story That My Father Tells," "Cage Match," and "The Cars All Gridlocked" appear in the Spring 2023 print edition.
Les Standiford is the author of seventeen books including the novels of the John Deal series Done Deal, Raw Deal, Deal on Ice, and Deal with the Dead. Booklist called John Deal “the most emotionally centered protagonist in crime fiction today,” and the New York Times has said of Standiford’s suspense writing, “each scene is like a little gasp for breath.”
“Form happens somewhere in the revision process. For me the revision process is most of the writing process, and at some point I stumble upon what I think will make the poem more beautiful.”
Baldo's story, "I Know What You Are, But What Am I?" appeared in our Spring 2023 print edition. Her new collection, Morse Code for Romantics, will be available from Porcupine's Quill in March of 2023.
“It took me a long time to write the book, and largely because I think I had to get farther and farther away from the real situation that I knew.”⠀
Fiction Editor D.W. White speaks to Coco Picard about her new book, the Healing Circle (Red Hen Press, 2022).